British Association for American Studies


Jade Tullett

Jade Tullett is a PhD student and part-time lecturer at the University of Winchester. Her thesis evidences the significance of a selection of art gallery shows in relation to existing critical discussions of the US/UK and high/popular crossovers. JadeÕs research specifically uses showings of ÔpunkÕ artefacts within exhibitions to chart shifts in these relationships.

60 Seconds With Jade Tullett

This month we’re taking time out of our usual publishing schedule to invite you to spend 60 seconds with the new members of the U.S. Studies Online editorial team and BAAS Executive Committee. Our first interviews will be with the new Co-Editors and Assistant Editors of USSO.

Review of ‘Avant-Gardes Now!’ Symposium

Throughout the whole day there were repetitions of specific phrases which became tagged to the definition of avant-garde. Notions of simulation and mimicry were frequently raised in relation to the differences between what is imagined, and what is supposed.

60 Seconds With Jade Tullett

How did you come to your current area of research?

“My Undergraduate dissertation. It was about Emo as the last subculture, which led very nicely onto deeper understandings of punk, cultural contact, and the relationships between fine art and popular music.”