USSO is excited to announce our new Call for Editors to fill one vacant role on our editorial team. We are seeking a Co-Editor to replace outgoing Co-Editor Will Carroll and to work with extant Co-Editor Sarah Collier and the current editorial team at USSO.
Here is a brief survey of the role:
Co-Editor duties:
- Liaising with fellow Co-Editor in the editing and commissioning of research articles for USSO
- Working alongside the full editorial team in ensuring the smooth operation of USSO on a daily basis
- Organising the shared Google Drive, including the creation of agendas ahead of monthly editorial meetings
- Working alongside Guest Editors for USSO Special Series, and typesetting / scheduling their articles for publication
- Managing USSO's email communications, including any queries and / or requests
All editors at USSO operate on a voluntary basis.
Please click here to download the full application: Call for Editors Application Form 2022
All applications are to be filled out and submitted to Sarah Collier at by Monday 14th February. Interviews will be conducted in March.