British Association for American Studies


EAAS 2024 | 1924-2024: The American Immigrant Narrative Revisited

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CfP: UCL Americas Research Network Annual Conference: Histories of Inequality (Online)

The UCL Americas Research Network is delighted to present its sixth annual conference: Histories of Inequality, to be held virtually on 1 June 2021. Join an interdisciplinary group of scholars to debate and discuss the historical antecedents of our era's entrenched injustices and inequities. We are also excited to announce that Professor Gareth Davies (UCL) will deliver a keynote lecture on the racial politics of US disaster relief. The conference organizers welcome submissions that detail any facet of the history of inequality, broadly conceived, in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Papers of an interdisciplinary nature are especially welcome, and we invite current postgraduate students and early career researchers alike to apply. We particularly encourage participants to consider the structural injustices that defined and continue to define the overlapping crises of 2020/21, including glaring health disparities, systemic racial inequality, growing economic stratification, and environmental degradation. Topics might include (but […]