CfP: Radicalisation and the Media: From Television to Twitter
CfP DEADLINE: FRIDAY 12 MARCH 2021 Rothermere American Institute University of Oxford 20-22 April 2021 In the mid-twentieth century two mutually influencing revolutions took place, one technological and one socio-political; the emergence of television and the advent of the civil rights movement both fundamentally altered American society and the wider world. Today, social media and digital technologies are reshaping social relations, while the renewed visibility of white supremacist activism has precipitated a new chapter in the long struggle for racial equality. This conference will put the study of the past in conversation with current debates about media, technology, and race. The first day of the conference is dedicated to research development workshops. Participants will have the opportunity to give and receive feedback on in-progress work and meet scholars researching similar topics across a range of disciplines. Abstracts may consider issues of race and ethnicity across news, entertainment, and social media. […]