Marie-Laure Mallet (Sorbonne Paris IV; Visiting Fellow UCL-IA) – The demographic diversification of the Latino population in Miami, both in terms of generational change and national origin, calls for an investigation into cultural and political divisions within the often-asserted but rarely investigated “Latino community”. How do Latino immigrants from various countries perceive each other and interact? What drives these choices and what are the consequences for Latino life in Miami and beyond?
Marie-Laure Mallet received her PhD in 2013 from the Sorbonne University. She was a Fulbright scholar (2012-13) and then a Postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University (2013-14), in the Sociology Department. She is currently a lecturer at the Sorbonne University – Paris IV.
Her research interests are immigration, Latino studies and race and ethnic relations. She is currently working on several projects, amongst which a book project looking at Latino intra-group relations and a collaborative project examining Latino immigrants’ experiences with social services.