This symposium invites Postgraduate Researchers and Early Career Researchers in the field of American Studies to evaluate and analyse the relationship between the Americas and ‘space’. This could include a geographical approach to ‘space’ and ‘place’, an ecological focus on the environment, the art of mapping, the relationship between the country and the city, the American notion of ‘the frontiers’, a transatlantic focus on the relationship between the Americas and other spaces, or even a more literal look at America’s role in exploring outer space.
The interdisciplinary nature of this symposium aims to subvert the common use of space as ‘a context’ by bringing it to the forefront of the conversation to interrogate how the Americas are spatially constructed.
Due to an emphasis on interdisciplinary discussion and collaboration, proposals are welcomed from PGRs and ECRs working across different periods, themes, landscapes, and disciplines within American Studies including, but not limited to, History, Literature, Music, Visual Culture, Politics, and Film.
Please submit a proposal for a 20-minute paper to by August 31st, 2020.
Proposals should include the title of the paper, a 250-word abstract, and a 50-word biography.
The symposium will be held ONLINE in the Autumn term (date to be confirmed), and it is organised by the University of Kent, Canterbury.
Keynote Speaker: Dr Anne-Marie Angelo, University of Sussex.