Prof. Isabel Rivers (Queen Mary University of London) will be giving the next seminar in the Open University Book History Research Group seminar series, “Travelling Books and Readers in the Long Eighteenth Century.” This talk will take place on Monday 11 April at 5.30 in Senate House, University of London, room 246. Details below:
“North American Connexions” (Prof. Isabel Rivers)
This paper explores the editing, publishing, and interpreting in England and Scotland of the most widely read works of Jonathan Edwards and David Brainerd, the two American writers of the first half of the eighteenth century who had the greatest influence across the Atlantic. They appealed to both Calvinist and Arminian evangelicals, and were the source of considerable disagreement among their British readers, but they were of crucial importance in different ways to the religious and literary heritage of Methodists, Congregationalists, Baptists, Scottish Presbyterians, and Church of England evangelicals.
Further seminars in the series will take place on: 16 May (Prof. Caroline Franklin, Swansea University); 6 June (Dr Mark Towsey, University of Liverpool); and 13 June (Dr Richard Jones, Open University). All talks commence at 5.30 pm. All welcome!