One of the more exciting opportunities hosted by U.S Studies Online is our special theme series, often organised by guest editors, who collate original research articles as well as reviews and other materials into a cohesive single issue, readily available to view in one place on our website. This gives writers a specific focus and hook to guide their writing, and allows them to situate their work in among the original research being carried out by fellow academics and writers in the American Studies community. We will advertise all of our CfPs – this includes special series – via Twitter as well as on this page, where current CfPs will be listed below.
If you have any questions, please email the guest editor for the listed special series or get in touch with us at
- Remember to include a brief summary of the piece in your email.
- Put the name of the special issue at the beginning of the email’s subject line.
- Include a short bio and your affiliated institution (if applicable)
Upcoming Special Series
Resilience/Renewal: Shifting landscapes in American Studies
Previous Special Series
U.S Television, Nostalgia, Memory and Identity
Drama and Cinematic Adaptation
Hollywood in the Age of Trump: A Retrospective Analysis
Asian American Solidarities in the Age of COVID-19
America Now
2020 U.S. Election Series
Spaces of Empire
Memorials and Popular Memory