British Association for American Studies


60 seconds with

60 Seconds With Emma Horrex

How did you come to your current area of research?

“I’d say that I’ve always been interested in gang and prison culture but my current supervisor Dr. Josephine Metcalf really fostered my academic interest during my final year at Uni in the module ‘Doing Time; American Prison Culture in the 20th and 21st Centuries.’ From here, I began to look more specifically at filmic representations and girl gang culture.”

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60 Seconds With Ben Offiler

What advice would you give to early career academics?

“I was speaking to a friend today who commented that both during and after the PhD it’s very easy to focus on the negative aspects of academia, all the parts that you find difficult or that others seem so much better at, while forgetting about the things at which you excel. So, I guess my advice would be to accentuate the positive.”

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60 Seconds With Michelle Green

You’re stranded on a desert island, but luckily you pre-empted it. Which book do you take with you?

“I would invest in a poetry collection because novels ‘end’ — Imagine reaching the last page of a novel without rescue in sight. Grim.

With that in mind, H.D.’s Trilogy or the aptly titled edited collection, Staying Alive: Real Poems for Unreal Times.”

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