A Presidential Nation: The Presidency in U.S. History
June 27, 2014
At Northumbria University and organized with the Presidential History Network
From George Washington to Barack Obama, the office of the presidency has inspired scholarly interest, be it in the job, the policies of America’s chief executives, or the personalities. The Presidential History Network has recently organized to bring together academic scholars that are interested in the presidency to disseminate their research and develop their ideas among peers. Along with Northumbria University, the Presidential History Network is pleased to invite academics to submit papers or panels for a one-day conference.
The program committee welcomes panel and paper proposals that deal with the history of United States presidency in the broadest sense. Please submit up to 250 words along with a short biographical note, your affiliation (if any) and contact details. Prospective panel organizers should submit up to 500 words along with a short biographical note and contact details for each speaker. Submissions can also be considered for inclusion in a possible conference volume.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is 25 April 2014. Proposals, or enquiries relating to these, should be sent to the following email address: michael.cullinane@northumbria.ac.uk