Taking Notice: Nature and Climate Change Deniers in American Climate Fiction
Climate change is no taboo topic as in recent years, figures and organisations such as Greta Thunberg and WWF have brought the on-going environmental crisis to the media’s forefront, presenting us with frankly terrifying statistics about our planet’s future if radical changes to our destructive behaviours are not made. Literature is a global entity which responds to culture and often reflects its most pressing issues. Thus, it has had no choice but to engage with the topic of climate change and has done so through a genre called climate fiction, also known as ‘cli-fi’.[i] In such texts, the protagonists are often enlightened to climate change, while climate change deniers are represented as being ‘too blind’ – and often wilfully so – to see the truth. Such a focus on sight highlights the irony of the deniers’ stance in not seeing the bigger picture, as they often believe that they understand […]