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Radical America: Revolutionary, Dissident and Extremist Magazines, 20th May, The Keep, University of Sussex
Registration: 9.30 Coffee & Tea
10-10.30: Introduction to radical American collections at The Keep and launch of the New Masses Digital Collection: speakers Sue Currell, Francis Booth and Doug Haynes
Panel 1. 10.40-12 Sexual Dissidence (Chair: Luke Walker, University of Sussex).
- Sex and the radical imagination in the Berkeley Barb and the San Francisco Oracle. Sinead McEneaney (St Mary’s University).
- ‘The nearest thing to us in all the world’: Naked Bodies as Revolutionary Art for The Masses, John Fagg (University of Birmingham).
- Transatlantic Feminist Periodical Networks and the Women’s Liberation Movement, Victoria Bazin (Northumbria University).
Panel 2. 12.05—1.15 Spaces of Segregation and Incarceration
- Marginalization and exclusion of Black World staff in the physical work environment of 1970s Johnson Publishing Company. James West (University of Manchester).
- White Space: Racial Rhetoric in The Citizen Magazine 1961-79, Bradley Phipps, (University of Leicester).
- ‘We Asked For Life!’: American Women’s Prison Zines as Sites of Art and Protest, Olivia Wright (University of Nottingham).
Lunch 1.15-1.55
Panel 3. 2-3.10 Writers, Artists and Intellectuals as Editors (Chair: Nerys Williams, University College Dublin).
- Anarchy in LA: New York School sociability and Dennis Cooper’s Little Caesar magazine Diarmuid Hester (University of Sussex).
- The Radical Form of Periodical Poetics: Orestes Brownson and The Boston Quarterly Review (1838-42) Benjamin Pickford (University of Nottingham)
- “Pamela Colman Smith,The Green Sheaf, and Literary Experimentation” Elizabeth C. O’Connor (Washington College)
Panel 4. 3.15-5 Visual Radicals and the Avant-Guarde
- French visual culture in 1960s American avant-garde periodicals: between Godard and Barbarella, Hugo Frey (University of Chichester)
- Modernism and the Left, Old and New in Rebel Worker (1964-7) and Radical America (1970) Jo Pawlik (University of Sussex)
- Underground Comix (unconfirmed speaker)
5—5.30 Refreshments and wine reception
5.30-7 Plenary talk: ‘The rise and fall of the Chicago Seed and the American Underground Press in the Sixties and Seventies’ Abe Peck (Northwestern University) (Introduced and chaired by Daniel Kane).
Reserve a place by booking at Sussex University’s online shop:
Event to be held Friday May 20, 2016 @The Keep, home of the University of Sussex Special Collections and just slightly outside of the main campus, for directions see