BAAS 61 & IAAS 46
7-9 April 2016
Queen’s University Belfast
Digital tools, digitized documents, and digital forms of presenting research have transformed the way that scholars of American literature, history and politics conduct and disseminate their work. To reflect these developments in the critical field, submissions are invited for a proposed panel on ‘Digital Scholarship in American Studies’. The format of the panel is flexible, and presentations in non-traditional formats are welcome, as are 20 minute papers. It is hoped that presentations will reflect the breadth and interdisciplinary of current American Studies research. Presenters may showcase new digital projects, or reflect critically on the Digital Turn, and the possibilities and limitations of digital research methods in any area of American Studies.
Please send 250 word abstracts with a short biography, or any questions about the panel to Dr Katie McGettigan by 20th October 2015: For further information about the conference see: